Sorry for the lapse in posts. New job with long commute doesn't leave me with a lot of free time. But I have no intentions of abandoning you. Just need a couple of things to cooperate.
I have oodles of stories to share, but I want to put them with doodles so they make sense. My 'fancy' printer/scanner has been refusing to function for a while now. Work has scanners, but the one I have access to decided to lose it's will to live (and it's drivers). I'm starting to think I've offended the scanner community.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Dreams Really Do Come True?: Week One
This was my first week working in my field of dreams (sort of). I didn't build it, but it did come. Here's a brief overview:
- I'm suppose to be working as a floater for composition, news room, and advertising, but no one seems sure what to do with me. I felt frustrated and irked that I didn't have much to do. I just kept asking for things to do. Give me a list and I'll get it done.
- They put me in comp so I can learn their page design set-up. Still frustrated, but it's mostly because 1) still not having much to do, 2) the 'instruction folder" I was handed was completely wrong so I didn't have anything to study, & 3) no matter how helpful Trainer was, she would only give me bits and pieces out of fear of overwhelming me. I pester advertising for ads to make while Trainer is in class.
- Trainer has class most of the day. She comes in between classes to teach me some more. In her absence, I just dive into composition. Fiddling and playing with InDesign, just trying to better understand things. It was an okay day.
- I show up to work early (morning person) and started working on comp. When Trainer arrived, she decided that she'd watch for a bit to answer my questions. I do most of the composition myself, except the TV guide. I learn this next week.
- I show up early and basically get left alone to do comp. Trainer starts working in the news room (she wants to be a reporter). I don't have a lot of questions left for Trainer. I get pretty far ahead. By that I mean I finished comp for the weekend paper, ad layout for Tuesday's paper, and template design for our 2 sister papers done before leaving.
This is the brief version. I could ramble about the thrill of working puzzles all day, the social aspects that make me like the news room more than advertising, or the perks like random free shrimp but this is an overview of the work aspect.
Here's to next week!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
My Goofy Goal
Now that my dream of joining the journalism world is starting to happen, I'm going to have to start on my next dream. I've always wanted a chunk of land for my own. Originally, I wanted a hundred acres and put my house dead center of it, but that quickly shrank to a more realistic 3-10 acres. Just enough for my master plan.
1. Buildings - I want a garage, a decent house, and a barn.
1. Buildings - I want a garage, a decent house, and a barn.
- Garage - We have a house with a 2-car garage now, but anyone that has seen our home knows it's not a garage - it's our living room. I like being able to fix my vehicles when they break. It's frustrating to have to do it on a sloped driveway or having to go to my dad's place.
- House - I don't need a huge house, but I do need one that has 2 bathrooms and a large kitchen. Two bathrooms because I get sick a lot and sharing a bathroom when you're sick sucks. A larger kitchen would be fantastic. My current kitchen is the size of the smallest walk-in closet I've seen. I love cooking when I have the space for it. I HATE it when I don't.
- Barn - There's a lot of reasons for this. I'm hoping to have some chickens; maybe a horse and cow later. Mostly I want it for our current animals. I'm hoping to modify a part of future barn so we can keep the cats in the barn instead of the house (chicken wire) and provide a safe place to the dogs to go when we leave them in the yard.
2. Land - Garden, tree fence, & paintball course.
- Garden - I'm hoping to have a decent garden taking up most of the front yard; maybe with a coy pond.
- Tree Fence - Plant crab apple trees along the sides for the property to make animal/human proof fence. This is optional.
- Paintball Course - On the back acre, I'm wanting to have a paintball course for Husband. Maybe some cars, maybe a shed here or there, so he and his friends can play back there.
Now to take over the world!... I mean save up.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Light That Tunnel, BABY!!
Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. But here's why: deep depression followed by flood of opportunities.
Yesterday was my last day driving a bus. After trying for over 2 years to get in the newspaper world, someone is finally letting me in. I'll be working for Paper in a week. Mostly page design and some light reporting, but I'LL TAKE THAT!!
It's sucks being told that you should give up on your goal. Told that "it's been 2 years your degree is worthless." It hurt. It hurt thinking that no matter how hard I try, I'll never go beyond bus driving.
Frankly, bus driving (and a friend dropping my name frequently) is probably the only reason I got this job. They were looking for an Education Editor, saw that I was a bus driver, and therefore I can handle schools. I'LL TAKE THAT!
Yesterday was a lava lamp of mixed emotions.A slurry of crying and laughing evilly that 'I'm free!' Here's why:
Yesterday was my last day driving a bus. After trying for over 2 years to get in the newspaper world, someone is finally letting me in. I'll be working for Paper in a week. Mostly page design and some light reporting, but I'LL TAKE THAT!!
It's sucks being told that you should give up on your goal. Told that "it's been 2 years your degree is worthless." It hurt. It hurt thinking that no matter how hard I try, I'll never go beyond bus driving.
Frankly, bus driving (and a friend dropping my name frequently) is probably the only reason I got this job. They were looking for an Education Editor, saw that I was a bus driver, and therefore I can handle schools. I'LL TAKE THAT!
Yesterday was a lava lamp of mixed emotions.A slurry of crying and laughing evilly that 'I'm free!' Here's why:
- I loved that bus. It was fun to drive it. It was nice being able to look down on mini vans (minivans are evil).
- I will not miss the middle schoolers. Some were absolute sweethearts, but they were smothered by the dummkopfs that think I work for them. Dummkopfs
- I will miss the parents of my elementary kids. Many of them meet the bus and WANT to know if there was trouble so they can nip them in the butt. I wish them the best.
- I will miss my coworkers. They kept telling how proud they were of me and how they hope I'd do well. They asked for me to fax them articles or visit when I could. They took such good care of me.
- I will not miss Preach. Preach is the nickname of a coworker that I had conflict with. He liked to make comments about how I was a poor wife, how I should be in the kitchen, and how I should be bent over his knee. After months of this, I called him a bastard and he told me I can't take a joke. >_< Will not miss him.
I will miss driving the bus, but I needed to move on.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Screw It
I love ice cream too much. Makes me sicker than a dog. I'll still try to avoid mass consumption, but BY GOD'S GRACE! I MISS ICE CREAM!!!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
My Brain Is Making Changes.
Every once in a while, my brain starts picking on me. It calls me names like 'lazy,' 'lack-a-daisy,' 'sloth.' It'll tell me I could be more, how TV is an addictive substance, that I'm letting my brain slip, and how my health is deteriorating because I'm acting like a lazy daisy sook. The worse part is it's right. I've gotten lazy.
I hate being smacked around by my brain. It's getting bolder. I fully expect it to leap out, backhand me, & scoot away on a segway if I keep pissing it off. So I'm making some pretty big changes with my brain doing it's best Mickey Goldmill impression. Just needs it's own tiny stocking cap.
1. No Dairy - Most dairy makes me viciously sick. Most cheese, ice cream, & all milk makes me ill. Considering I LOVE cheese and put it on almost every dish I make, I may go into a lack-o-cheese depression. Fortunately, it seems I can still have frozen yogurt. That's a plus.
2. Workout Everyday - No matter how tired/lazy/sick/busy I get, I'm going to spend a minimum of 5 minutes doing push-ups, jumping jacks, or whatever exercises I can think of. It's not a real drastic change, & that's why I think it'll work. If I dedicate an hour, I get intimidated. But 5 minutes is an opponent that's more my size. Once I can whip 5 minutes like a rented mule, I'll take on more aggressive opponents like 7 minutes.
3. De-Stress Often - I work myself up over little things. It needs to be managed or it will kill me. Literally. Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. Well, not exactly. I KNOW what I WANT to do, but I can't afford to go back to college. Right now, I'm a school bus driver going to votech [yuck] to become a Pharmacy Tech. I hate my back up plans, but they'll pay the bills. To quote Jayne, "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak." I've just got to keep breathing and keep praying. And remember:
4. Craft the Crap Out of Everything - a.k.a. multitask like mad. If I'm sitting at the TV, origami. If I'm listening to something on the computer or radio, sew. Reading on my future kindle (birthday is soon), I'd crochet. No more idle hands. I've got a long list of costumes, outfits, Christmas presents I've been wanting to make. No more excuses. I'll craft the crap out of everything!! That reminds me I need more yarn.
Not sure how Husband will like these changes. He loves cheese & knows how attached I am to my brain.
Too bad :D
I hate being smacked around by my brain. It's getting bolder. I fully expect it to leap out, backhand me, & scoot away on a segway if I keep pissing it off. So I'm making some pretty big changes with my brain doing it's best Mickey Goldmill impression. Just needs it's own tiny stocking cap.
1. No Dairy - Most dairy makes me viciously sick. Most cheese, ice cream, & all milk makes me ill. Considering I LOVE cheese and put it on almost every dish I make, I may go into a lack-o-cheese depression. Fortunately, it seems I can still have frozen yogurt. That's a plus.
2. Workout Everyday - No matter how tired/lazy/sick/busy I get, I'm going to spend a minimum of 5 minutes doing push-ups, jumping jacks, or whatever exercises I can think of. It's not a real drastic change, & that's why I think it'll work. If I dedicate an hour, I get intimidated. But 5 minutes is an opponent that's more my size. Once I can whip 5 minutes like a rented mule, I'll take on more aggressive opponents like 7 minutes.
3. De-Stress Often - I work myself up over little things. It needs to be managed or it will kill me. Literally. Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. Well, not exactly. I KNOW what I WANT to do, but I can't afford to go back to college. Right now, I'm a school bus driver going to votech [yuck] to become a Pharmacy Tech. I hate my back up plans, but they'll pay the bills. To quote Jayne, "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak." I've just got to keep breathing and keep praying. And remember:
"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."
- Abraham Lincoln
4. Craft the Crap Out of Everything - a.k.a. multitask like mad. If I'm sitting at the TV, origami. If I'm listening to something on the computer or radio, sew. Reading on my future kindle (birthday is soon), I'd crochet. No more idle hands. I've got a long list of costumes, outfits, Christmas presents I've been wanting to make. No more excuses. I'll craft the crap out of everything!! That reminds me I need more yarn.
Not sure how Husband will like these changes. He loves cheese & knows how attached I am to my brain.
Too bad :D
Monday, August 1, 2011
Started & ended my CNA class today. Remember I said I was going for a CNA so I could be an AUA or a Pharmacy Tech? I was told you had to get a CNA before pursuing the aforementioned by the secretary of the votech. I've decided that pharmacy tech would be smarter. CNAs/AUAs need strong backs to move people. My back has been shot and I get sick easily, so just seems smarter to go that way of the pharm tech.
Showed up for class today at 7:30am. Was talking to people, asking them what they were going to do with the CNA. When the talk shifted to my direction, I told them I was trying for pharmacy technician. Faces of confusion were what I got. Something wasn't right, so after lunch - I asked a teacher if I needed this class to be a pharmacy technician. She didn't think so, but walked off to find answers.
Upon her return, she said I should go double check with the secretaries up front because everything & everyone was saying NO CNA NEEDED to become a pharmacy tech. I went up to talk to the front desk, and spoke with same secretary who told me I HAD to take CNA. She tells me that I didn't need to take the CNA course to be a pharmacy tech.
So now I'm unenrolled in CNA& enrolled in pharmacy tech (assuming the lady is right this time). Glad I found out when I could get a refund on the fee (can only do it on the first day of class). Happy that I can go straight into pharmacy tech.
But I'm still pissy about paying $90 for books I can't return (will have to sell them at a far reduced price) when it could have been avoided if particular people understood how to use their brain.
~ misfoijd
Showed up for class today at 7:30am. Was talking to people, asking them what they were going to do with the CNA. When the talk shifted to my direction, I told them I was trying for pharmacy technician. Faces of confusion were what I got. Something wasn't right, so after lunch - I asked a teacher if I needed this class to be a pharmacy technician. She didn't think so, but walked off to find answers.
Upon her return, she said I should go double check with the secretaries up front because everything & everyone was saying NO CNA NEEDED to become a pharmacy tech. I went up to talk to the front desk, and spoke with same secretary who told me I HAD to take CNA. She tells me that I didn't need to take the CNA course to be a pharmacy tech.
So now I'm unenrolled in CNA& enrolled in pharmacy tech (assuming the lady is right this time). Glad I found out when I could get a refund on the fee (can only do it on the first day of class). Happy that I can go straight into pharmacy tech.
But I'm still pissy about paying $90 for books I can't return (will have to sell them at a far reduced price) when it could have been avoided if particular people understood how to use their brain.
~ misfoijd
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I Confuse Myself
To the very confused people in my life, here's an update.
No matter how much I want to go back to college, I can't do it. I could not bear the thought of putting Husband & I into such tremendous debt for another degree (especially since my last one flopped). So going for a doctorate is out of the question. It saddens me, but I have to do what's best.
The plan is as follows:
No matter how much I want to go back to college, I can't do it. I could not bear the thought of putting Husband & I into such tremendous debt for another degree (especially since my last one flopped). So going for a doctorate is out of the question. It saddens me, but I have to do what's best.
The plan is as follows:
- Take advantage of free classes at community college (I got lucky)
- Go for my CNA
- Then go for AUA
- If there's still free money being given, I'll take whatever course I can.
I'm planning on being so certified that people can't help but want to hire me... hopefully.
We Make Our Own Destiny
I'm getting tired of feeling pegged to the bottom of the job well. Thought I would be done clawing and scraping to get a job when I got my bachelors. Wound up spending 2 years applying for jobs with my degree with nothing but countless "we've chosen someone else" letters and emails to show for it. During said time, I have worked whatever job I could get at whatever pay available. All the while hoping.
Hope can be depressing when you realize it's all you're clinging to to get a job. No one likes who you intern with. No one likes your job history. No one wants to train you. No one gives a flying jar of molasses if you graduated early or have a good GPA. And it doesn't help when reminded "degrees lose value after 2 years." In spite of these facts, I hoped.
And you know what? SCREW THAT!! I will no longer base my hopes on that piece of paper! I choose to overcome this pit and if I need a ladder of certifications to do it, I will!!
Hope can be depressing when you realize it's all you're clinging to to get a job. No one likes who you intern with. No one likes your job history. No one wants to train you. No one gives a flying jar of molasses if you graduated early or have a good GPA. And it doesn't help when reminded "degrees lose value after 2 years." In spite of these facts, I hoped.
Friday, July 22, 2011
One Thing I Miss....
We were sitting in rush hour traffic, Boss and I. Barely moving, Boss was cussing about how this and that vehicle has passed him when he turned to me stating: Man, I bet this was worse in a school bus.
My Response:
Not really. Yes it would be hot. Yes it would be noisy, but as far as traffic went it wasn't really bad. Mostly because I had one thing the other drivers didn't: Hostages. (This made Boss chuckle.)
Frankly, most people treat a bus better than a semi. People won't let a semi over, but give wide berth to a school bus. They're both huge vehicles that could MAKE you move out of sheer fear of having your auto annihilated. There's just one major difference: there are hostages.
We can have up to 72 kids on board. If you hit me, that can be up to 72 lawsuits ranging anywhere from psychological trauma to vehicular manslaughter. Good luck winning the case against a flock of mourning mothers.
Some days, I miss my little hostages.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Bus Driving Has Screwed Me Up
Right now, I'm working as a realtor's assistant on the north side of Oklahoma City. Been working for a goofy fellow (Boss) who is practically family for the last month or so. Boss hired me when he realized how much he disliked paperwork & paper cuts. It's suppose to be a summer gig, but I need this to pan out for the sake of your children (and my spine).
++A Bit From a Recent Chat++
Boss: Guess what! ^-^
Me: Canada. -_-
B: ....... o_o
M: What, sir? -_-
B: .... What? o_o
M: You said 'Guess what.' -_-
B: Canada? o_-
M: It's my auto response for when the kids on my bus say 'guess what?' ^_^
B: Now I can't remember what I was saying & you're not on a bus. -_-
++A Bit From a Recent Chat++
Boss: Guess what! ^-^
Me: Canada. -_-
B: ....... o_o
M: What, sir? -_-
B: .... What? o_o
M: You said 'Guess what.' -_-
B: Canada? o_-
M: It's my auto response for when the kids on my bus say 'guess what?' ^_^
B: Now I can't remember what I was saying & you're not on a bus. -_-
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Ivy League
Today is a special day. I got to tote home awesomeness.
This summer I have been working for a realtor in NW Oklahoma City. Usually, I do desk work, make copies, and mooch free lunches. I would like to buy but A) he no likes my taste in food & B) I can barely afford gas.
Afternoon comes around and Boss has to go let repairmen in a house. After a bit, I get a call asking if I'd drop his laptop off because he wouldn't be able to make it make to the office. No biggie.
After a HOT 107 degree drive in a car with no a/c, I arrive at the house sweaty and sticky. Tossing the laptop in his suv, I trod in the living room where I was greeted by an enormous ivy that strung around their living room. Boss saw my gawking and offered the ivy to me.
O_O => XD
I wish I had thought to take a picture of it while it was there. This ivy had to be coiled up like an extension cord and filled both arms. It wrapped around the living room.
Now the plant resides at my house. It had to be woven together in places. But the longer sections were looped over a compression curtain rod that spans the entry way to the kitchen.
I wonder what my husband will say when he gets home.
**UPDATE** Husband woke me from a deep sleep to tell me how cool it was. 'That's nice hun....zzzzzzzz'
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
This summer I have been working for a realtor in NW Oklahoma City. Usually, I do desk work, make copies, and mooch free lunches. I would like to buy but A) he no likes my taste in food & B) I can barely afford gas.
Afternoon comes around and Boss has to go let repairmen in a house. After a bit, I get a call asking if I'd drop his laptop off because he wouldn't be able to make it make to the office. No biggie.
After a HOT 107 degree drive in a car with no a/c, I arrive at the house sweaty and sticky. Tossing the laptop in his suv, I trod in the living room where I was greeted by an enormous ivy that strung around their living room. Boss saw my gawking and offered the ivy to me.
O_O => XD
Ivy's new home! |
I wish I had thought to take a picture of it while it was there. This ivy had to be coiled up like an extension cord and filled both arms. It wrapped around the living room.
God-ma's Wooden Utensils have company now. |
Now the plant resides at my house. It had to be woven together in places. But the longer sections were looped over a compression curtain rod that spans the entry way to the kitchen.
I wonder what my husband will say when he gets home.
Dio (white dog) is contently clueless. Sarge (black dog) doesn't care. |
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Chicken of the Apocalypse!
For a while now, I've had my hobo friend living with my husband and I. He came to live with us after a nasty divorce left him with only a bag of clothes and a laptop. Over the weekend, he went go see his grandpa to say "Hey!" and beat him at candy poker. When he returned, Hobo had a massive tub with him. Huge, lidless Rubbermade tub overflowing with crap. His mom had apparently resurrected the behemoth from the Harry Potter hole beneath the staircase.
This tub is bursting at the seams with random crap that was only kept because it was thought to be 'Awesome!!' So far, I agree!
'Awesome!!' Items Include
+ George Foreman Grill
+ a CB without Antenna (mine now!!)
+ Iron Man Bobblehead
+ Patches for Boondock Saints & Watchmen
+ Comic Books
+ T-Shirts the size of Circus tents
But this was the coolest.
It's some form of finger claw with a SHARP knife on the back. As soon as I snatched it from Husband, I placed it on my finger and proceeded to stab every empty soda can within range.
I was mutilating cans with a quick pecking action when I thought.... Chicken Armaments.
Imagine the poultry uprising. Farmer's son (aka Chicken Kickin' Champ of Nebraska) goes out to feed the chickens one morning to be met with a flock of pissed-off poultry.
Link would never stand a chance.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Excuses, Excuses, ..... I'm a Lazy Daisy.
Here are the excuses:
+ May is the busiest month for me because of all the field trips.
+ After school let out for the summer, I ventured down to Texas for a week. Friend needed another pickup for her move back to Oklahoma.
+ Hurt my back while helping Friend move and spent the next 2+ weeks in a drug-addled ignorance which involved massive amounts of sleep and Mass Effect 1 & 2. Frankly, I'd wake to the controller in my hand, think I had nodded off for a bit, continue playing until I nodded off again, and the cycle repeated. I truly had no grasp on time. I had to have timers to wake me so I knew when to take my meds.
I admit it was nice to get rested. I admit I should have/could have posted sooner. I admit I have an addiction to sugar cookies and Coca-cola. Admitting you have a problem is half the battle.
COMING SOON: Comic/cartoon. Hopefully, there will be minimum of one a week as soon as my computer buddy interrogates my scanner into submission.
~ misfoijd
+ May is the busiest month for me because of all the field trips.
+ After school let out for the summer, I ventured down to Texas for a week. Friend needed another pickup for her move back to Oklahoma.
+ Hurt my back while helping Friend move and spent the next 2+ weeks in a drug-addled ignorance which involved massive amounts of sleep and Mass Effect 1 & 2. Frankly, I'd wake to the controller in my hand, think I had nodded off for a bit, continue playing until I nodded off again, and the cycle repeated. I truly had no grasp on time. I had to have timers to wake me so I knew when to take my meds.
I admit it was nice to get rested. I admit I should have/could have posted sooner. I admit I have an addiction to sugar cookies and Coca-cola. Admitting you have a problem is half the battle.
COMING SOON: Comic/cartoon. Hopefully, there will be minimum of one a week as soon as my computer buddy interrogates my scanner into submission.
~ misfoijd
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Like a Black Light
I'm wired weird and my perspective is no exception. I am what I call an 'optimistic pessimist.'
Optimistic pessimist - an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities to make a more favorable construction upon actions and events.
Frankly, it's someone who thinks positive by comparing it to a more negative thought.
*Story Time*
One night I went out to dinner with my friends Travis and Sandy at Alfredo's. We were having a jovial time until Sandy's phone rang. A friend of hers had past away. Sandy's face fell as she told us how he had past.
To which I responded, "At least he didn't fall in a wood chipper."
Her emotions were as follows:
: 3
"I can always count on you for a smile." Sandy told me.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Queen Murder
Whoever taught my kids the "We will rock you" chorus, I sending you the sternest 'I am NOT amused' face that I can do. This week the kids have been stomping and clapping away attempting to replicate the famous Queen song.
At first, I thought it was cool when they were trying to do it right, but was unable to get the beat or the words in sync with their hands and feet. As the days progressed, they began to change the song. Every part of it was altered and each child had made their own version.
Usually I would condone taking something and making it your own, but these kids did not make improvements. Some would frantically stomp and clap as fast as possible yelling " ROCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!" while others would exchange the words for ones that were more insulting.
Then you play all the different versions at max volume in an echoy bus.
Welcome to my world.
~ misfoijd
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hair Perspective
I've had long hair for a grand duration of my life. I can remember having my hair cut short three times. Twice were for having super knotted hair that couldn't be brushed out. Once was due to a high fever caused by a spider bite. The fever messed with my head and I started wanting things I never wanted i.e. tattoo, short hair, etc. Fortunately, I didn't get the tattoo.
A week ago today, I cut my hair. For the first time that I can remember, I got a short hair because I wanted it. My hair had been my security blanket my whole life. When I was bored, it was my toy. Braid, re-braid, pigtails, top knots, etc. When I was sad, I would use my hair to dry my tears. When I was scared or worried, I'd hide behind it as though it could protect me. Now I have no place to hide.
Long hair was one way I was holding myself back. It was comfortable and safe... just like my life. Having made such a change I've been motivated to start changing the rest of my life. I'm going to change my stars in some way. Hopefully, it includes a new career, but only time will tell.
A week ago today, I cut my hair. For the first time that I can remember, I got a short hair because I wanted it. My hair had been my security blanket my whole life. When I was bored, it was my toy. Braid, re-braid, pigtails, top knots, etc. When I was sad, I would use my hair to dry my tears. When I was scared or worried, I'd hide behind it as though it could protect me. Now I have no place to hide.
Long hair was one way I was holding myself back. It was comfortable and safe... just like my life. Having made such a change I've been motivated to start changing the rest of my life. I'm going to change my stars in some way. Hopefully, it includes a new career, but only time will tell.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Story Time: Trailer Tousle
Summer of 2010, I had no set job. Being a school bus driver grants me this. During such times, I work odd jobs [usually for familial units]. This adventure began more unique than average. Normal days entail fixing doors, and –you know- smaller tasks. We were to be working on a block of a massive pulley used on oil fields to pull 4 miles of pipe out of the ground. In short, I was ecstatic. This pulley easily weighed over 3.5 tons and was bright yellow. It was truly epic. It was so huge that it had to be put together on the trailer it came on, pieced together meticulously by tractors and bulldozers.
After finishing the smaller tasks on Uncle Burt’s farm [fix a hydrant, chase ducks, etc], Burt, Karl [dad], and I decide to tackle the block. Assembly was already mostly done. It only needed the arms and one side. We got one arm on with little issue. When we were working on the other arm, Karl was prepping the tail end while I did the other. I heard a crunch followed by an Ack! I turn to see him halfway to the ground, arms flailing in circles, and his right leg stuck in the trailer. He yelled ‘catch me’ and I grabbed his arm and held him up until Burton ran around to catch his back. Felt like minutes when in actuality it took place in under 3 seconds. His ankle was swelling up again [it was still recovering from being broken weeks ago] and he had a scratch up his leg. He wound up having a sore knee, back, and ankle.
What had happened was a rotten board collapsed under his weight. Leg went into hole. Butt went on trailer edge. Being thrown off guard caused him to slide off the side causing his leg to catch on support beam under the broken floor. Fortunately, nothing broke excluding the plank on the trailer.
We do some smaller tasks after that then go to lunch. Upon return, Karl and I paint while Burt makes some adjustments to the arm. We finagled the arm into position while being extra careful of the hole that nearly claimed Karl. Time passes, problems come and go. We approach the final finessing required to finish putting in the arm. I give the arm a solid kick and set my foot down. When I set down my foot, I didn’t realize that it landed on the other half of the rotten board that Karl fell through only a few hours ago. One second later, my right leg was through the board with ankle hooked on the same support beam. Unlike Karl, I didn't support myself midair until rescue arrived. I flopped over the side like a dead fish. One can only assume that during the process of falling, Karl was more concerned that he was falling while I was concerned in not smashing my head into the dirt that was approaching.
Fortunately - since my goal was ‘protect the skull’ - I was able to get a hand down fast enough to prop me up until Burt got over to me. As soon as Burt grabbed me, I proceed to climb him like a monkey. By the time I reached his shoulders, he had me sitting on the trailer. They pulled my leg out. They thought it was broken. It makes sense from an outside perspective. Gratefully, I could walk so no broken bones. Ankle, calf and butt all had knots on them. I could hobble. Burt brought his nurse of a wife to make sure I was whole. I was only sore and bruised.
And that's why trailers make me nervous....
After finishing the smaller tasks on Uncle Burt’s farm [fix a hydrant, chase ducks, etc], Burt, Karl [dad], and I decide to tackle the block. Assembly was already mostly done. It only needed the arms and one side. We got one arm on with little issue. When we were working on the other arm, Karl was prepping the tail end while I did the other. I heard a crunch followed by an Ack! I turn to see him halfway to the ground, arms flailing in circles, and his right leg stuck in the trailer. He yelled ‘catch me’ and I grabbed his arm and held him up until Burton ran around to catch his back. Felt like minutes when in actuality it took place in under 3 seconds. His ankle was swelling up again [it was still recovering from being broken weeks ago] and he had a scratch up his leg. He wound up having a sore knee, back, and ankle.
What had happened was a rotten board collapsed under his weight. Leg went into hole. Butt went on trailer edge. Being thrown off guard caused him to slide off the side causing his leg to catch on support beam under the broken floor. Fortunately, nothing broke excluding the plank on the trailer.
We do some smaller tasks after that then go to lunch. Upon return, Karl and I paint while Burt makes some adjustments to the arm. We finagled the arm into position while being extra careful of the hole that nearly claimed Karl. Time passes, problems come and go. We approach the final finessing required to finish putting in the arm. I give the arm a solid kick and set my foot down. When I set down my foot, I didn’t realize that it landed on the other half of the rotten board that Karl fell through only a few hours ago. One second later, my right leg was through the board with ankle hooked on the same support beam. Unlike Karl, I didn't support myself midair until rescue arrived. I flopped over the side like a dead fish. One can only assume that during the process of falling, Karl was more concerned that he was falling while I was concerned in not smashing my head into the dirt that was approaching.
Fortunately - since my goal was ‘protect the skull’ - I was able to get a hand down fast enough to prop me up until Burt got over to me. As soon as Burt grabbed me, I proceed to climb him like a monkey. By the time I reached his shoulders, he had me sitting on the trailer. They pulled my leg out. They thought it was broken. It makes sense from an outside perspective. Gratefully, I could walk so no broken bones. Ankle, calf and butt all had knots on them. I could hobble. Burt brought his nurse of a wife to make sure I was whole. I was only sore and bruised.
And that's why trailers make me nervous....
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Basic Car 101 for Ladies [works for all genders really]
There's are several elderly people at my work place. One is a 88-year old man that moved here from a different country long before I was born. He (like the other elders) enjoys teasing me. However, he teases differently. He is confused as to why I am the way I am and uses light teasing to find answers. For instance, he doesn't understand why I fix my own car. Conversation went something like this:
(Note that his accent is fairly thick)
"Why u fix yo car? Don't chew have husband?"
'Yes. I'm married...'
"Why not get 'im to fix it?"
'Because I know how to fix the problem.'
"But why u fix car? Chew have husband!"
So I fix my truck. I guess that seems strange to the rest of the world. A female who is willing to fix her own car. One has to admit that we females try to portray ourselves as unwilling to get dirty especially around the opposite sex. We would rather someone else get dirty instead of us.
Everyone should know basic maintenance for their vehicle. There are simple things everyone should learn about their vehicle:
+ For some, learn how to pop the hood - It's not hard. There's usually a switch on the inside near the driver's door.
+ Learn how to fill wiper fluid jug- it's usually under the hood, has a pop or twist cap, and filled easily. You can purchase wiper fluid fairly cheaply at auto parts stores, most gas stations, and some Walmarts.
+ Learn how to check tire pressure - Purchase a tire pressure gauge and keep it in the glove box or console until needed. Some auto part stores will show you how to use it is you ask nicely. Having the wrong amount of air in your tires can reduce your fuel efficiency and increase the chances of your tires failing. Note: Tires are NOT cheap.
+Learn how to check oil - Your engine needs it to work. No oil in the engine can cause massive amounts of damage. It's better to get your oil check than replace your engine
+ Learn how to check and fill engine coolant - If engine gets too hot or too cold, things will break. Again, consult your manual. Note: Never check coolant that's in the radiator when the engine is hot. You can get hurt. Wait til it cools.
+ Learn how to PROPERLY check your transmission fluid - Every car is different. Look in your owners manual for the suggested method. By checking the transmission fluid at least once a month, you may be able to catch and prevent expensive transmission problems from arising. Note: Many oil change shops will NOT check the transmission fluid.
+ Replacing fan/drive/accessory belt - Most vehicles can not run without it. While engine is off, find where it is. Find out if there's a picture near the hood latch that shows the belt is suppose to go. If not, try and get a copy to keep in the glove box. Also buy a pack of panty hose to keep in the glove compartment. This will come in handy if the belt breaks while your driving. Panty hose can be used as a TEMPORARY belt so you can slowly drive your car out of harms way.
~ misfoijd
P.S. I am not a mechanic. Just raised by one.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Well, here I am.
After weeks of feeble excuses, here's a post. Now for my excuses.... I've been wanting to scan in doodles, but that'll have to wait until the scanner gets done rebelling [or purchase a replacement]. Then my computer got a virus, so I had to get someone to fix it. Fortunately, my computer guy takes brownies as currency [thanks Karl]. And yes, I could have used my phone to post.
And yes, I could have used my laptop [even though it's slow].
And yes, we all wish brownies counted for currency with more people.
With the excuses out of the way, I'm hoping to go back to at least a weekly post.
P.S. The title is from one of my favorite cancelled shows. Can you guess the series?
And yes, I could have used my laptop [even though it's slow].
And yes, we all wish brownies counted for currency with more people.
With the excuses out of the way, I'm hoping to go back to at least a weekly post.
P.S. The title is from one of my favorite cancelled shows. Can you guess the series?
Friday, January 28, 2011
Hooped Hoochies?
There are things that one can't help but observe. Through my college years and my current tour as a bus driver, I could not help but notice some trends amoungst us females. There are 2 that are particularly concerning: perfume baths and hooped earrings.
Somehow, I think these girls don't understand what they are projecting themselves as.
To quote a coworker, "Why do these kids try to smell like French whores?!" Because they don't know how to bathe. They didn't shower because they're lazy, but don't want to smell bad for the dude they're flirting with. It's even grosser if they don't even try to dress up. Sorry, but no matter how much you spray, sweatpants and a greasy hair are not attractive... unless you're pursuing prostitution as a career option.
Nothing quite pulls the 'look' together like HUGE hoop earrings. I personally do not understand their appeal, but almost every hoochie I have known or met wears the largest hoops they can find. The closer the hoops are to their shoulders, the more their probable hoochiness increases.
Sad note: Most of the pregnant girls at the school still dress this way.
~ misfoijd
Somehow, I think these girls don't understand what they are projecting themselves as.
To quote a coworker, "Why do these kids try to smell like French whores?!" Because they don't know how to bathe. They didn't shower because they're lazy, but don't want to smell bad for the dude they're flirting with. It's even grosser if they don't even try to dress up. Sorry, but no matter how much you spray, sweatpants and a greasy hair are not attractive... unless you're pursuing prostitution as a career option.
Nothing quite pulls the 'look' together like HUGE hoop earrings. I personally do not understand their appeal, but almost every hoochie I have known or met wears the largest hoops they can find. The closer the hoops are to their shoulders, the more their probable hoochiness increases.
Sad note: Most of the pregnant girls at the school still dress this way.
~ misfoijd
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Snow Spasm
This week, I sprung from bed expecting the weatherman to be right. Forecast: SNOW! As far as I care, it can be cold all it wants as long as there's snow. Sadly, I woke to a dampened world of unsnowed cold. I had been hoping thoroughly for snow, but was only met with increased disappointment with the local weather people. THEY said snow; therefore, I expected snow. The weather had merely iced my vehicle forcing me to work before working.
I moped through my morning route sparing the occasional smiley facade to the boarding children. Fortunately, they shuffled by quickly.They were mostly concerned with getting to their seats where they could siphon warmth from the heaters.
After my route, I headed home to refill on warmth. The cold had nearly taken it all since I lacked cheer to warm me. Once home, I was berated by our 2 dogs for not being around to love them. I attempted to get some chores done, but was frequently interrupted by cold noses. So I let them outside to chill. Twenty minutes free of scolding and drool later, I open the back door.
SNOW!! The dogs skittered past me seeking heat as I gawked at the large flakes of snow.
There's something about big fluffy flakes of frozen water that brings out the jolly in me. All I needed was a cupcake to have the best full-on toddler glee spasm ever! You know the flailing, jumping, screaming fit of pure excitement and joy a 5-year-old has over just about anything i.e. "I just got a puppy!*flail*" or " I'm wearing my favorite color ever! *flail*"
I moped through my morning route sparing the occasional smiley facade to the boarding children. Fortunately, they shuffled by quickly.They were mostly concerned with getting to their seats where they could siphon warmth from the heaters.
After my route, I headed home to refill on warmth. The cold had nearly taken it all since I lacked cheer to warm me. Once home, I was berated by our 2 dogs for not being around to love them. I attempted to get some chores done, but was frequently interrupted by cold noses. So I let them outside to chill. Twenty minutes free of scolding and drool later, I open the back door.
SNOW!! The dogs skittered past me seeking heat as I gawked at the large flakes of snow.
There's something about big fluffy flakes of frozen water that brings out the jolly in me. All I needed was a cupcake to have the best full-on toddler glee spasm ever! You know the flailing, jumping, screaming fit of pure excitement and joy a 5-year-old has over just about anything i.e. "I just got a puppy!*flail*" or " I'm wearing my favorite color ever! *flail*"
I hopped up and down, chirping "Snow!" at the top of my lungs. I turn to tell my dogs this, but they were covered in snow so I'm sure they knew.
After being toweled off, the dogs hid in the back room while I continued to dance about the house singing songs from White Christmas (although by then Christmas was long gone). I opened the front door so I could bask in snowy glory.
It had stopped. I think the dogs did it.
P.S. I had doodles, but my scanner has decided to rebel against the machine.
UPDATE: Scanner still hateful, but I was able to take a picture of one of the doodles. Enjoy!
After being toweled off, the dogs hid in the back room while I continued to dance about the house singing songs from White Christmas (although by then Christmas was long gone). I opened the front door so I could bask in snowy glory.
It had stopped. I think the dogs did it.
P.S. I had doodles, but my scanner has decided to rebel against the machine.
UPDATE: Scanner still hateful, but I was able to take a picture of one of the doodles. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Roaring Chickens?
One of my coworkers was telling us about an archeologist who cracked open dinosaur bones and found living tissue. According to the random coworker, the scientist said that - within a lifetime - they should be able to make dinosaurs by combining their DNA with chicken DNA (since they are believed to be the closest living relative to the dinosaurs).
I could not control my laughter. All I could think of was:
T-Rex + Chicken = T-ken!
I pictured these creatures being only slightly bigger than most chickens and more feathery than my doodle depicts.
When I explained why I was laughing so hard, the guy standing next to me proceeded to imitate what he thought was T-ken noises. "ROOOOOAAAAAAAAAR!......Bauk."
I nearly fell out of my chair.
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