Yesterday was my last day driving a bus. After trying for over 2 years to get in the newspaper world, someone is finally letting me in. I'll be working for Paper in a week. Mostly page design and some light reporting, but I'LL TAKE THAT!!
It's sucks being told that you should give up on your goal. Told that "it's been 2 years your degree is worthless." It hurt. It hurt thinking that no matter how hard I try, I'll never go beyond bus driving.
Frankly, bus driving (and a friend dropping my name frequently) is probably the only reason I got this job. They were looking for an Education Editor, saw that I was a bus driver, and therefore I can handle schools. I'LL TAKE THAT!
Yesterday was a lava lamp of mixed emotions.A slurry of crying and laughing evilly that 'I'm free!' Here's why:
- I loved that bus. It was fun to drive it. It was nice being able to look down on mini vans (minivans are evil).
- I will not miss the middle schoolers. Some were absolute sweethearts, but they were smothered by the dummkopfs that think I work for them. Dummkopfs
- I will miss the parents of my elementary kids. Many of them meet the bus and WANT to know if there was trouble so they can nip them in the butt. I wish them the best.
- I will miss my coworkers. They kept telling how proud they were of me and how they hope I'd do well. They asked for me to fax them articles or visit when I could. They took such good care of me.
- I will not miss Preach. Preach is the nickname of a coworker that I had conflict with. He liked to make comments about how I was a poor wife, how I should be in the kitchen, and how I should be bent over his knee. After months of this, I called him a bastard and he told me I can't take a joke. >_< Will not miss him.
I will miss driving the bus, but I needed to move on.
I understand the bitter sweet, but I am really proud of you for fighting for your dream. Good luck little one.