Thursday, January 6, 2011

Roaring Chickens?

One of my coworkers was telling us about an archeologist who cracked open dinosaur bones and found living tissue. According to the random coworker, the scientist said that - within a lifetime - they should be able to make dinosaurs by combining their DNA with chicken DNA (since they are believed to be the closest living relative to the dinosaurs). 

I could not control my laughter. All I could think of was:

T-Rex + Chicken = T-ken!
I pictured these creatures being only slightly bigger than most chickens and more feathery than my doodle depicts. 

When I explained why I was laughing so hard, the guy standing next to me proceeded to imitate what he thought was T-ken noises. "ROOOOOAAAAAAAAAR!......Bauk." 

I nearly fell out of my chair.



  1. LOVE this, made me giggle. Bookmarked your blog so I eagerly await new bit's o' crazy fun goodness!


  2. I'd be first in line for a pocket dinosaur, you know I would.
