Sunday, June 26, 2011

Chicken of the Apocalypse!

For a while now, I've had my hobo friend living with my husband and I. He came to live with us after a nasty divorce left him with only a bag of clothes and a laptop. Over the weekend, he went go see his grandpa to say "Hey!" and beat him at candy poker. When he returned, Hobo had a massive tub with him. Huge, lidless Rubbermade tub overflowing with crap. His mom had apparently resurrected the behemoth from the Harry Potter hole beneath the staircase. 

This tub is bursting at the seams with random crap that was only kept because it was thought to be  'Awesome!!' So far, I agree!

'Awesome!!' Items Include
+ George Foreman Grill
+ a CB without Antenna (mine now!!)
+ Iron Man Bobblehead
+ Patches for Boondock Saints & Watchmen
+ Comic Books
+ T-Shirts the size of Circus tents

But this was the coolest.

It's some form of finger claw with a SHARP knife on the back. As soon as I snatched it from Husband, I placed it on my finger and proceeded to stab every empty soda can within range. 

I was mutilating cans with a quick pecking action when I thought.... Chicken Armaments.

Imagine the poultry uprising. Farmer's son  (aka Chicken Kickin' Champ of Nebraska) goes out to feed the chickens one morning to be met with a flock of pissed-off poultry.

Link would never stand a chance.


  1. M'dear, you are awesome for this. I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair! xD

    I am going to have to show this to a few people, or at least retell it. it's too epic to not be retold.

  2. Spread the word! The Chicken uprising is nigh! XP
