Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I Confuse Myself

To the very confused people in my life, here's an update.

No matter how much I want to go back to college, I can't do it. I could not bear the thought of putting Husband & I into such tremendous debt for another degree (especially since my last one flopped). So going for a doctorate is out of the question. It saddens me, but I have to do what's best.

The plan is as follows:

  • Take advantage of free classes at community college (I got lucky)
  • Go for my CNA
  • Then go for AUA
  • If there's still free money being given, I'll take whatever course I can.
I'm planning on being so certified that people can't help but want to hire me... hopefully.


We Make Our Own Destiny

I'm getting tired of feeling pegged to the bottom of the job well. Thought I would be done clawing and scraping to get a job when I got my bachelors. Wound up spending 2 years applying for jobs with my degree with nothing but countless "we've chosen someone else" letters and emails to show for it. During said time, I have worked whatever job I could get at whatever pay available. All the while hoping.

Hope can be depressing when you realize it's all you're clinging to to get a job. No one likes who you intern with. No one likes your job history. No one wants to train you. No one gives a flying jar of molasses if you graduated early or have a good GPA. And it doesn't help when reminded "degrees lose value after 2 years." In spite of these facts, I hoped.

And you know what? SCREW THAT!! I will no longer base my hopes on that piece of paper! I choose to overcome this pit and if I need a ladder of certifications to do it, I will!!


Friday, July 22, 2011

One Thing I Miss....

We were sitting in rush hour traffic, Boss and I. Barely moving, Boss was cussing about how this and that vehicle has passed him when he turned to me stating: Man, I bet this was worse in a school bus.

My Response:
Not really. Yes it would be hot. Yes it would be noisy, but as far as traffic went it wasn't really bad. Mostly because I had one thing the other drivers didn't: Hostages. (This made Boss chuckle.)

Frankly, most people treat a bus better than a semi. People won't let a semi over, but give wide berth to a school bus. They're both huge vehicles that could MAKE you move out of sheer fear of having your auto annihilated. There's just one major difference: there are hostages.

We can have up to 72 kids on board. If you hit me, that can be up to 72 lawsuits ranging anywhere from psychological trauma to vehicular manslaughter. Good luck winning the case against a flock of mourning mothers.

Some days, I miss my little hostages.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bus Driving Has Screwed Me Up

Right now, I'm working as a realtor's assistant on the north side of Oklahoma City. Been working for a goofy fellow (Boss) who is practically family for the last month or so. Boss hired me when he realized how much he disliked paperwork & paper cuts. It's suppose to be a summer gig, but I need this to pan out for the sake of your children (and my spine).

++A Bit From a Recent Chat++

Boss: Guess what! ^-^

Me: Canada.  -_-

B: .......   o_o

M: What, sir?  -_-

B: .... What?  o_o

M: You said 'Guess what.'  -_-

B: Canada?  o_-

M: It's my auto response for when the kids on my bus say 'guess what?' ^_^

B: Now I can't remember what I was saying & you're not on a bus.  -_-


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ivy League

Today is a special day. I got to tote home awesomeness.

This summer I have been working for a realtor in NW Oklahoma City. Usually, I do desk work, make copies, and mooch free lunches. I would like to buy but A) he no likes my taste in food & B) I can barely afford gas.

Afternoon comes around and Boss has to go let repairmen in a house. After a bit, I get a call asking if I'd drop his laptop off because he wouldn't be able to make it make to the office. No biggie.

After a HOT 107 degree drive in a car with no a/c, I arrive at the house sweaty and sticky. Tossing the laptop in his suv, I trod in the living room where I was greeted by an enormous ivy that strung around their living room. Boss saw my gawking and offered the ivy to me.

O_O => XD


Ivy's new home!

I wish I had thought to take a picture of it while it was there. This ivy had to be coiled up like an extension cord and filled both arms. It wrapped around the living room.

God-ma's Wooden Utensils have company now.

Now the plant resides at my house. It had to be woven together in places. But the longer sections were looped over a compression curtain rod that spans the entry way to the kitchen.

I wonder what my husband will say when he gets home.
Dio (white dog) is contently clueless. Sarge (black dog) doesn't care.
**UPDATE** Husband woke me from a deep sleep to tell me how cool it was. 'That's nice hun....zzzzzzzz'

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