Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I can't sleep. The zombies will get me. O_O

My husband has been playing a video game recently that takes place in the wild west. I have been watching the plot unfold with much glee until my husband decided the game needed something. Not too long ago, he downloaded a special 'pack' that allows you to fight zombies. After watching him be virtually mauled by zombies for a few days, something in my brain started to fracture. Being the jumpy person I am, I proceeded to become more and more certain of my zombie demise.

To put it visually:
*Full paranoia achieved.*

After averting his attention from my increased fiddling for 2 days, my husband finally inquired as to why I was fidgeting. **Keep in mind that he is asking this while I'm trying to fall asleep** He tries to calm me down by telling me zombies don't exist and that he'll protect me. This seemed to be working until...  he told me his zombie escape plan. I understand it's smart to think ahead, but paranoia is a funny thing. As he's talking about his plan, I keep trying to find flaws. With each strategy he presents, my brain gets more enthralled into dissecting them. 

That is why I am still awake way after bedtime..... 


Sunday, December 26, 2010


Here is where it ends up: tales of stupidity, flexibility, and cupcakes. Didn't expect it to start the day after Christmas. Hell, I didn't expect a grand many things to happen to me. I'm hoping to share them with you soon enough. May throw in some sketches for flavor.

Probably should introduce myself. Mostly because talking to random strangers would miff off your mom.
  • I have a name. It's a lovely one. Technically, I have 2 last names. It's one of the odd perks of getting married. "Here. With every purchase of a husband, you get a free last name!" Like most free things, it came with a boat load of paperwork. He's worth every paper cut. 
  • Taller than most female.
  • No matter how I try, I can't seem to find a job opening for my degree so I drive people around for a living. Love my current job [usually] and I'm damn good at it! 
  • I have a mild cupcake addiction. Vanilla preferred. 
  • Live in Oklahoma.
Now we're not estranged strangers. Progress! However, I have one question. Do I have to say 'Ya'll?'
