Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cinder Block Shower

Every Independence Day, Uncle Ron brings a massive haul of fireworks to the BBQ. He lives in Missouri which means most of his supply was not available (& probably not legal) in Oklahoma. I truly don't think Ron considered the legality of his interstate explosives.

And sure as sugar, we weren't going to tell him. He brought all the COOL stuff!

There was a new firework we just had to try. It was still daylight & most of our audience was still happily feasting on Burt's Burt Burgers (redundant we know, but they're too tasty for us to care). Perfect time for a quick test. 

I don't remember there being any identifiers on the packaging. I don't remember there being any pictures showing what it did. That probably should have been a big hint.

So we put it in a cinder block to find out just how awesome it was. We were standing the minimum safety distance for a normal firework when time slowed.

Felt like this.
It felt the thud of the explosion on my chest & through the souls of my feet. I was looking right at it when it went off (forgive me on this one. I thought it was going to be small like a ground bloom). Looked like a shell firework popped in the tube except less fire and more pointy things shooting off in all directions. Lots more pointy things.

I don't know what they were expecting but what we got was shrapnel.

We scattered instantaneously. Ron got one to the back. The largest chuck flew off to assault a RV. Some of us got hit, but nothing serious. That stuff could have been used for demolition. By God's grace, no was severely injured. Some how I was spared.


P.S. - Let me know what kind stories you'd like for future. Post in the comments.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Explosive Definition of Fun

Every Independence Day, my family & extended family gather for a large BBQ at my Uncle Burt's home. He has a small farm near city limits which is prime because the cousins and I like things that go boom. We're not talking about Red Devils or any other small fireworks. 

We once blew up a cinder block. (Different post)

It's my favorite family get-together. It's the only time of the year that me and my male cousins get to play together. My cousins have their own lives, careers, or families. It's a day to go back and be stupid little kids again.

Every year, we leave burnt, covered in soot, buzzed from adrenaline and the smell of sulfur & generally with some temporary hearing loss. We head home grinning from ear to ear.

But this year, we upped the accidentally stupidity level up a few pegs.

List of Stupid Things We Surpassed
  • Underestimated the destructive power of a dry ice bomb
  • Nearly caught Burt's roof on fire with poorly aimed parachutes
  • Thrown rockets at each other
  • Launched rockets out of a PVC pipe (we had to trim the fins to fit them in)
  • Launched 2 rockets at the same time out of the same PVC pipe
  • Launched rockets out of a PVC pipe at each other
  • Played Russian Roulette with a Saturn Missiles
  • One year, I wound up being bottle rocket target practice
Those are stories for another post. For this past Independence Day was special crazy.

It's getting dark and we had shells to launch. My cousins had bought a mega pack of shells & multiple launch tubes. More than enough for all of us to light them off in groups & multiples. That's besides the other shell sets that had been bought. We were using an upside down circular horse trough as our launching pad. 

We had the space & the tools, so we what do we do....

Big Bang Groupings

We were shelling in mass. 7 people lighting at once with fuses tied together to 2 to 3 shots each. We'd light as a group and gawk as a group then the cycle continued...

You know what happens when some of the shells don't go off & some of the shells get put in tubes they didn't belong to and no one notices? 


Very close proxy firework show.

I got burnt on my scalp, chest, arms, & Lord knows what happened to my cousins. All I know is we all had the same response: 

O_O CRAP! *running arm flail*

There was a variety of obscenities, but the gist was the same.

And it happened again and again...

And we still left happy & buzzed, but a bit more burnt than average.

I would do it again any day.
