Saturday, August 27, 2011

Screw It

I love ice cream too much. Makes me sicker than a dog. I'll still try to avoid mass consumption, but BY GOD'S GRACE! I MISS ICE CREAM!!!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Brain Is Making Changes.

Every once in a while, my brain starts picking on me. It calls me names like 'lazy,' 'lack-a-daisy,' 'sloth.' It'll tell me I could be more, how TV is an addictive substance, that I'm letting my brain slip, and how my health is deteriorating because I'm acting like a lazy daisy sook. The worse part is it's right. I've gotten lazy.

I hate being smacked around by my brain. It's getting bolder. I fully expect it to leap out, backhand me, & scoot away on a segway if I keep pissing it off. So I'm making some pretty big changes with my brain doing it's best Mickey Goldmill impression. Just needs it's own tiny stocking cap. 


1. No Dairy - Most dairy makes me viciously sick. Most cheese, ice cream, & all milk makes me ill. Considering I LOVE cheese and put it on almost every dish I make, I may go into a lack-o-cheese depression. Fortunately, it seems I can still have frozen yogurt. That's a plus.

2. Workout Everyday - No matter how tired/lazy/sick/busy I get, I'm going to spend a minimum of 5 minutes doing push-ups, jumping jacks, or whatever exercises I can think of. It's not a real drastic change, & that's why I think it'll work. If I dedicate an hour, I get intimidated. But 5 minutes is an opponent that's more my size. Once I can whip 5 minutes like a rented mule, I'll take on more aggressive opponents like 7 minutes. 

3. De-Stress Often -  I work myself up over little things. It needs to be managed or it will kill me. Literally. Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life. Well, not exactly. I KNOW what I WANT to do, but I can't afford to go back to college. Right now, I'm a school bus driver going to votech [yuck] to become a Pharmacy Tech. I hate my back up plans, but they'll pay the bills. To quote Jayne, "If wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak." I've just got to keep breathing and keep praying. And remember: 
"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time." 
- Abraham Lincoln

4. Craft the Crap Out of Everything - a.k.a. multitask like mad. If I'm sitting at the TV, origami. If I'm listening to something on the computer or radio, sew. Reading on my future kindle (birthday is soon), I'd crochet. No more idle hands. I've got a long list of costumes, outfits, Christmas presents I've been wanting to make. No more excuses. I'll craft the crap out of everything!! That reminds me I need more yarn.

Not sure how Husband will like these changes. He loves cheese & knows how attached I am to my brain.

Too bad  :D


Monday, August 1, 2011


Started & ended my CNA class today. Remember I said I was going for a CNA so I could be an AUA or a Pharmacy Tech? I was told you had to get a CNA before pursuing the aforementioned by the secretary of the votech. I've decided that pharmacy tech would be smarter. CNAs/AUAs need strong backs to move people. My back has been shot and I get sick easily, so just seems smarter to go that way of the pharm tech.

Showed up for class today at 7:30am. Was talking to people, asking them what they were going to do with the CNA. When the talk shifted to my direction, I told them I was trying for pharmacy technician. Faces of confusion were what I got. Something wasn't right, so after lunch -  I asked a teacher if I needed this class to be a pharmacy technician. She didn't think so, but walked off to find answers.

Upon her return, she said I should go double check with the secretaries up front because everything & everyone was saying NO CNA NEEDED to become a pharmacy tech. I went up to talk to the front desk, and spoke with same secretary who told me I HAD to take CNA.  She tells me that I didn't need to take the CNA course to be a pharmacy tech.


So now I'm unenrolled in CNA& enrolled in pharmacy tech (assuming the lady is right this time). Glad I found out when I could get a refund on the fee (can only do it on the first day of class). Happy that I can go straight into pharmacy tech.

But I'm still pissy about paying $90 for books I can't return (will have to sell them at a far reduced price) when it could have been avoided if particular people understood how to use their brain.

~ misfoijd